Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Bubble Cups

Kids love blowing bubbles in their drinks, right?  Come on!  Be honest. You did it when you were a kid...maybe as an adult you still do.

This project is a flashback to my childhood.  Specifically, my younger cousins birthday party way back in elementary school.  Thank you Aunt D. for giving me, yet another thing, to carry from my childhood into my future.  

This spring my kids have loved blowing bubbles, yet we're just not quite old enough to handle the "big kid" style of making bubbles.  Unless I was planning to purchase a large bottle of bubble solution weekly, I needed a better option.  Hence the Bubble Cups!


Large plastic cup or jar
Old t-shirt or washcloth
Sturdy straw
Rubber bands


Cut a section of t-shirt large enough liberally cover the opening of the cup or jar.  If using a washcloth, you may want to just use the whole thing.


Add a quirt or two of dish detergent to the bottom of the cup/jar, cover with and inch or two of water and add the straw.


Place the cloth over the top opening of the cup/jar, and secure with a rubber band.  Make sure to secure the areas around the straw well to avoid any "stray" bubbles coming up around the straw and near your mouth when blowing.


Blow!  Be sure to remind your kids NOT to suck, which is going to be their natural tendency.  The bubbles will pile and pile.  Even smaller children can make a lot of bubbles.  Of course the cups aren't spill-proof so they will dump if tipped, but in my opinion these are a lot easier for little hands to hold than traditional bubble jars and wands.

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