Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Combine Cake

My husband comes from a large Iowa farming family.  At times it can seem to be all John Deere green and farm toys.  Our son's fascination with farm implements began with some tractors in his "big trucks" book, but no matter what, he always called them "bombines".  For Christmas this year, we finally bought him a little toy combine and it worked perfectly as an inspiration for his 2 year old birthday cake.  May you have another bountiful year bud-boo!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

How to collect FREE items for OCC shoeboxes

For me, shoebox season doesn't start in November..it's a year round project.  I start collecting items to fill our boxes pretty much the moment I leave our local collection site.  You will be surprised at how many items you can get for free throughout the year if you just keep your eyes open.  I have a large tote in the basement that I use to keep all the items as I get them, and as you can see it's only March, but I've got quite a collection going already (right).  Not everything in the tote was free, since I also collect clearance items as I see them, but that's a different post for another day.

Below is a list of just a few places we've found some free stuffers...

Fairs and Expos
Local county fair, garden expo, bridal fair, home shows...these are all great places to get free stuff. Items we've collected include: drawstring backpacks, cloth bags, pencils, notepads, balloons, plastic cups, small balls, frizbees, lanyards, coloring books, crayons, stickers,...

I don't know about you, but sometimes parades can be a bit overwhelming.  Like a dress rehearsal for Halloween, the kids come home with bags overflowing with candy and other "treasures".  After parades, I secretly sort through our giant collection of candy and pull out whatever might be shoebox worthy (suckers, smarties,...) of course not all of them, but you can thin down the mix.  Other free items we've collected at parades include: toothbrushes, small frisbees, plastic cups, necklaces,...

Check your local Menards flyer for items that are free after mail-in rebate.  You do have the cost of a stamp, but if you use your rebates to buy more "free after rebate" items the next trip, you can really snowball your investment.  I've picked up flip flops, coffee mugs, and t-shirts for our shoeboxes this way.

Harbor Freight Tools
Keep an eye out for free item coupons in your local shopper, newspaper, and magazines.  Or sign up to receive their coupon booklets.  Items that are often free include flashlights, screwdriver sets, and other tools.  Just watch the fine print.  Some coupons are free without purchase.  Others require a purchase or even a minimum purchase of $9.99.

We don't travel very often, but even if you don't, you probably know people who do.  Gather up the bars of soap and pack them away in your suitcase.  Housekeeping will replace them when they clean your room, so you can get new ones each day of your stay.  These bars are small so I usually place several together in a snack size ziplock bag for each shoebox I pack.

In our affluent culture, and very generous families, we are overflowing with gifts at times. Like overwhelmingly overflowing at times. Why not give these items to others who could use them much more than we could?  Luckily, my children are still toddlers so I can filter through which items actually get opened after big events like Christmas and birthdays.  But even for myself, I probably only keep about half of what I receive as gifts, because I'm constantly trying to eliminate clutter.  We've regifted in our shoeboxes things like aprons, holiday kitchen towels, clothing, socks, costume jewelry, puzzles or games, stuffed animals, hooded towels,...

If it fits in a shoebox and you don't need it, why not regift it?  Not only does is avoid the possibility of accidentally regifting into the same circle of friends or family, if you're like me, you probably prefer to go out and pick something specifically for that person anyway.

OCC Shoeboxes - Boys 10 to12

Just last night I was reading a blog post from a lady who had helped at a shoebox distribution center.  In her experience there was an extreme shortage of boxes for boys ages 10 to 12.  I can see how this would be the case since younger children are often easier to shop for, and most of the parents heading up the shoebox packing are probably the moms...so we naturally will gravitate toward the gender we more easily connect with or understand.

In our home we have each of the kids pack a shoebox for a child who is in their age and gender bracket.  I pack two, for my husband and I, one for a 10-12 year old girl, and another for a 10-12 year old boy.  However, it wasn't until this past year that I actually put a lot of thought into my "boy" boxes, and thanks to pintrest I now have a list of GREAT ideas for this upcoming collection week.

Here are some ideas specifically for older boys to enjoy...

The Intellectual
Calculator, compass, protractor, ruler, brain games and puzzles, mazes, rubix cube, travel size chess/checkers,...

Many years ago I read a testimonial of a boy who had received a calculator in his shoebox and because of that gift was able to take the exams necessary to continue his education to a higher level.  Something so simple that we take for granted can open the door of opportunity for continuing education for a child in another country.  Ever since, I have always included calculators in my shoeboxes for 10-12 year old boys and girls.

The Handy Man
Tape measure, screwdrivers, wrenches, contractors pencil, square, cable ties, fasteners (I would assume nuts and bolts would be ok to include...not sure about nails and screws), small hammer, sharpie marker, level, wire, duct tape or electrical tape,...I've even seen where they used a small toolbox for the shoebox itself.

Give a young person the tools (literally) to learn a trade that may become a source of income for their family.  At very least they will have the opportunity to tinker and build with their own hands, something I think every boy enjoys.

Find out how to get some of these items for FREE here!

The Outdoorsman
Compass, fishing tackle kit, flashlight, magnifying glass/binoculars, durable gloves, hand spade, sunglasses, rope, compact hammock,...

The Athlete
Drawstring backpack, deflated soccer ball or basketball, air pump, stopwatch, whistle, sweatbands, ace bandage,...