Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Preschool - September Week 2 - E

Week two! Once again a little early, but most of our public school kids here in Iowa officially started classes today so...why not? 

Here's what's on for this week.

Letter “E” (95-98)
Memory Verse (Genesis 1:1)

Bible Story of Creation

Any creation storybook of your choice.

*all page numbers are taken from "My Big Preschool Workbook" published by School Zone.  Find it HERE.

Follow my 3 Year Old Preschool Pintrest Board for week-by-week ideas!

Preschool - Curriculum Starts Here

Growing up I started my educational career with a combination of private schools and homeschooling.  My mom taught me everything I needed to know before age 5, even though I never remember doing 'preschool' at home.

Our daughter is turning three this month and preschool is on the minds and in the conversations of nearly every mom I know with children her age. I can't count the number of times I've been asked "what are you going to do for preschool?"

Earlier this summer I came across a great little post on Pinterest of a mom that made up her own curriculum.  (You can view it HERE). I took the format of how she broke down her preschool weeks, and expounded upon them using the book 'My Big Preschool Workbook' by Schools Zone (Get it HERE ). I also found a lot of great books at the Dollar Tree to supplement learning in numbers, shapes, colors, and counting!

I ripped out the pages and divided them into folders for each week. I planned 4 weeks of activities per month.  That gives us the flexibility to have a week off now and then for catch up, vacation, or review.

I also didn't do the alphabet in order so I could synchronize different letters with different holidays or seasonally sensitive activities.  (Example:  L is for leaves is in the fall, R for Rabbit and Resurrection is right before Easter.). I can go a little whacky on the alliterations so be forewarned.

You can also follow my preschool Pintrest Board for more ideas of activities broken down by week.

Preschool - September Week 1 - A

Here we go!  Week one of 3 year old preschool.  I've been preparing for the last two months and am SO excited to begin this homeschool journey.  This morning Miss Violet said she wanted to 'play preschool' so we are starting early.  I'll plan to get us on schedule by the middle of September, but for now I'll take the excitement!!

Letter “A” (p. 80-82*)
Color “red” (p. 22)
Matching Activities (p. 278)

Apple Crafts

Tasting different types of apples


Ten Apples Up On Top

*all page numbers are taken from "My Big Preschool Workbook" published by School Zone.  Find it HERE.

Follow my 3 Year Old Preschool Pintrest Board for week-by-week ideas!