Monday, July 29, 2013

Jacob's Special Diet

Dear Friend and Family,

We have recently discovered that Jacob has developed many food allergies and sensitivities.  In an effort to allow his body to heal and build immunity to some of these sensitivities, we have put him on a restrictive diet.  We hope he will regain his ability to eat a wider range of foods soon, but in the meantime would appreciate if you avoid the following ingredients in any meals you may bring us following the birth of our baby. 

PLEASE NOTE: None of the following foods will cause Jacob to have a very severe reaction, which would require medical intervention. Please don’t be terrified of feeding him something that could make him sick.  We only ask you do the best you can.  Thank You!

(If you'd like the following in a printable Word document please contact me and I'll email it to you.)

What the allergy is to: common places this is found or it’s close relatives, which should also be avoided.
                  SUBSTITUES: suggestions of foods that can be used in place of _______.
                  NOTES: any special information you may want to know.
* indicates link to another food allergy

Dairy: cows milk, goats milk, butter, ice cream, cheeses, chocolate, mayo, sour cream, yogurt, ranch                   dressing.
                  SUBSTITUES: Oils (Olive or Canola), rice milk (not soy milk* or almond milk*), coconut milk, coconut cream,  peanut butter
                  NOTE: Many butter substitutes may contain buttermilk or whey.  Please avoid these if possible.

Wheat/Gluten (Oats, Rye, Barley): flour, bread, breading, tortillas, MSG, pasta, some soy sauces*, crackers, most cereals, oatmeal (unless stated it’s gluten free), granola bars, beer, many processed foods.
                  SUBSTITUES: corn, corn meal, potatoes (not sweet potatoes*), potato flour, rice, rice flour, wild rice, quinoa, millet, flax, buckwheat, beans, lentils
                  NOTE: many gluten free oat products, such as oatmeal and granola cereals (watch for sugar*), are available in grocery stores

Soybeans: soy milk*, soy sauce, soy flour, tofu, chocolate, hot dogs, mayo, soybean oil, many processed foods, bean sprouts, many pastes and condiments.
                  SUBSTITUES: rice milk, oils, alternate sauces and condiments

Onion: chives, leeks, green onions, garlic, soups, pickles, salads, salsa, seasonings, sauces, many processed foods.

Cane Sugar: sucrose, table sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, candies, chocolate, molasses, desserts,                   processed foods, jams & jellies.
                  SUBSTITUES: honey, corn syrup, pure maple syrup, agave nectar, fructose

Tomato: salsa, many sauces and condiments, baked beans, ketchup, BBQ, tomato juice.

Fruits & Vegetables to Avoid
Egg Plant
Sweet Potatoes*

Nuts to Avoid

Fish to Avoid

Spices to Avoid

Some Meal Suggestions

Ham and Pineapple over rice

Chicken (baked, grilled, bacon wrapped, etc) with mixed vegetables (no cauliflower or onions)

Roast (beef or pork) with carrots and potatoes

Soup or Stew (beef or chicken broth) with meat, vegetables, beans, lentils, or rice (no onions, garlic, tomatoes, or sweet potatoes)

Tacos/Fajitas (watch seasoning packets!  Can just use cumin, paprika, chili powder, etc.  No onion, garlic, MSG) with corn tortillas and toppings such as beans (watch for additives in refried beans – La Preferida brand is ok), avocado, lime, rice, olives, bell peppers, (no dairy, onion, or tomatoes/salsa).

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