Thursday, January 28, 2010

Family Puns

AHNA MAE morning, JAMES was on a walk on the WOODs to find an AMBER ROSE to give to his darling sweetheart. A few yards off he spotted a DORA MAEd of WOOD, and when he knocked, a WOODCHUCK poked he head out and said,
"MAE I help you sir?".
"Yes, I AMBERning to know where I may find this rare type of rose," JAMES replied.
"Of course you WOOD be, ANDREW would think it is easy to find, but don't bee fooled Sir JAMES.
"AH NAthing can stop me from finding it, for this is true love," declared JAMES.
"Then carve her a heart out of mapleD OR Another sweet WOOD. Bake it into a loaf of bread, but make sure to let the DORAise for three days, or you will have to CHUCK it out"
Sir James did all the WOODCHUCK commanded, ANDREW her a lovely picture which he placed AHNA silver platter with the heart filled bread, with small bowls of JAMES and butters on the side. He went to the well ANDREW a pail of water, which he found to be unsatisfactory and CHUCKed over his shoulder AHNA to the ground. It was from this very spot that a ROSE arose, springing forth like a PRECIOUS JEM so he picked it. Seeing how he was vase and CHARLES he laid it carefully beside the meal he had MAEd and like a STRONG and MANLY man delivered it to his lady love.

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