Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Looking Back

I just looked at my post from Feb 5th and it's interesting to me how life has changed since then. One thing I know is that God is still with me, and all I want is to be close to him. I just want to read my Bible, I guess it's because He has to get me through. I read Psalm 17 this morning and it was really relavant. I went to chapel today, with the intent not to "go to chapel" but just to "be at chapel" to be in God's presence and rest and abide. Today is the first day of Lent and the chapel message was deeply rooted in what I've needed to hear. Everything has been. Church on Sunday was about how we spend God's time and also how Jesus is the perfect Valentine. Monday my professor's opening prayer for our class was 100% about my life. He's here. He's faithful. I know most of what I"m experiencing is strong spiritual attack and I pray everyday for Satan not to have a foothold in my life. After chapel today, God sent this girl name Lauren who has been such a secret encouragement to me. She's such a good and true friend and when I saw her walk by I knew it was because God had directed her directly to me at that exact momment.

PS in the last few hours (since my last post) I quit my TA less thing. Ahhhhh....

1 comment:

  1. This post is really out of context because of my removal of several previous posts between Feb 5th and the day I wrote this. Let's just say...that bad thing I thought was coming came and it's so interesting to see how God was preparing me beforehand and helping me through currently
